Financial aid

Use SVHS Code: 480-059 to Register

Links to other sites are provided to assist you in locating information. When you click on a link to a third-party Web site you leave our Web site.

Federal deadline

Online applications must be submitted by midnight Central Time — June 30

State Deadline
Washington – As soon as possible after — October 1
Awards made until funds are depleted.

College deadline
Check with the college(s) you are interested in attending. You may also want to ask your college about its definition of an application deadline – whether it is the date the college receives your FAFSA, or the date your FAFSA is processed.

Student financial aid refers to funding intended to help students pay educational expenses for a college or university, including room and board, tuition and fees, books and supplies, and incidental expenses. Students/families qualify for financial aid by filling out a FAFSA form (which is available after January 1 each year) and criteria used for granting aid is based on family income a and a few other factors. The link to the right describes the process in more detail and it is a good idea to go to a financial aid presentation in December at WSU Vancouver or Clark College to learn more or to visit their financial aid office(s).

This aid comes in 3 basic forms:

  1. Grants are sums of money that do not have to be paid back as long as a student is enrolled full-time and in good standing.

  2. Work-study is employment offered through the college/university financial aid
    system that allows a student to earn money while attending college.

  3.  Loans are money that will have to be paid back. The interest rate and payback
    schedule vary– please discuss this with the financial aid personnel to understand
    all loan terms.

Scholarships are given according to their own criteria. In some cases, scholarships are based upon intended major, race, ethnic origin, or religion. Most scholarships, however, have some component of merit– a combination of academic performance (grades), activity (sports, clubs, leadership positions, honors/awards…) , college admission test scores, and student essays or response to a prompt. The links to the right describe some of the things that should be compiled when preparing to apply for scholarships. The Scholarship Resources link give a few additional web sites that might be helpful in finding scholarship opportunities.

Scholarship Resources

Searching for scholarships can be a very time-consuming and difficult process. The following are links to some scholarship search engines that might be helpful. These links are not endorsed or in any way affiliated with Summit View High School but could provide some additional information. Click on each link to be directed to an outside web site.