
Tutoring Options

Struggling in classes? Just need some extra support?
There are several ways to get help:

If you are struggling in one or more courses, first PLEASE access your teacher for help. They are the experts in the content area they are teaching and are the best resource. You can visit teachers during Falcon Support time, after school on most days and they are always available through email.

Several websites and apps are available for help with different subjects:

  • Khan Academy – help with all subject areas. Step by step instructions with audio assistance

  • Purple Math – math

  • Wolframalpha – math

  • Download the app Pearson Bounce Pages. Scan your assignment for helpful videos – math

  • Virtual Nerd app has videos that support the curriculum – math

  • MLA Style Center fragment/public –or- MLA Style Center – writing

  • Crash Course Biology or Crash Course Chem on youtube.com

  • Your textbooks often have websites where you can get additional resources regarding a specific subject. Also check your teacher’s individual sites for tutoring help.

  • Ask a friend to study with you; someone who is serious about their work.

  • Check with your counselor and see if they can set you up with another student to tutor you during Falcon Support time.